Cash on a non-muddy walk near the canyon |
It has been such a busy week!! I can’t believe how fast time flies and how much homework I have had…not to mention a birthday in there some place, too. I hope these pictures make up for my 1000 words!
Hummm...what? I was sleeping |
Kevin, Savina, and Cash playing | | | | |
We celebrated this past weekend with snow shoeing and a party. We took Cash with us again to the Billy Bridge area north of Ketchum/Sun Valley.
Kevin and Cash |
Super "special" treat a yellow lab named Koda shared with Cash on the trail...yuck! |
Kevin and Cash discussing why those rocks are so interesting |
Content pup after a day of work and play. |
The weather was perfect and we had a great time. We also took our friend Tiffany who had never been before. We met several dogs on the trail, all of whom Cash greeted perfectly. Koda, a yellow lab even shared his deer leg with Cash. I was a little concerned we might have to take it home, but something else along the way was more interesting and we "forgot" to pack it out.
Cash has continued to be a perfect gentleman with our cat, Amadeus. Also, last week we started Cash at doggy day care with Hemminway's Happy Hounds. Cash is able to play with 15-25 big dogs of all ages and breeds. Cash and Miley are going to daycare on Wednesdays the next weeks in order to give me a little more time in the am to work on my readings.
My mind is "in" school mode right now, but I wanted to share these recent pictures of Cash. I also wanted to tell you about Moss, a dog that needs some help with his spine. Another rescue pup had similar surgery named Sadie. The vet's at this school gave were able to help Sadie walk, run, and play again. Moss needs to have the same type of surgery. He is with a person who an independent rescue and just wants to help Moss. You can check out his story at
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