Sunday, February 27, 2011

Dirty Laundry Pile

“Laundry is a noun that refers to the act of washing clothing and linens, the place where that washing is done, and/or that which needs to be, is being, or has been laundered. Laundry can be considered a room or area, as in a home or apartment building, reserved for doing the family wash.”  (Wiki) OR in my house it is a chance to take in some wonderful smells and roll in them.  Miley, our lab, loves laundry day above all other days because dirty towels are left unattended.  Miley arranges the pile just to her liking and then roles on our smelly, damp washcloths, hand towels, and body-wrapping towels.  Egyptian cotton or bamboo, 100 thread count or 600, it is all delightfully perfumed and in need of inspection.  When we visit friends or family that hang towels up to dry, Miley pulls them down and rolls on them ~ after artfully arranging them on the floor. 

Cash watches Miley and tries to imitate her every move, but like us 4-leggeds, the dirty laundry pile appeal was a mystery to him, too.  He watched her and then figured she was displaying some new wrestling move.  When he tried to play with her on HER pile of towels, she told him where he could go—in dog terms of course.  I caught a few quick photos (sigh, still not very great at this, so forgive the lack of clarity) of Cash watching, trying to figure out what he was supposed to be doing with laundry, especially towels.    
Cash watching Miley (like me) trying to figure out the appeal...
Getting lower to "see" what the deal is
Trying to play...
Being told "NO." Very confusing, not to mention hurt Cash's feelings. 

Fresh snow fall is a reason for celebration with the pooches. Just like the kids from "Snow Day" our dogs race, jump, and PLAY!  Cash especially likes to root around in the piles of fluff, disturbing their symmetry.  
Adoptable and adorable.

watching the girls

Wrestling in the snow

Running with the soccer ball

Tug of war with a monkey toy (or what is left of it)

Cash and Miley are still attending daycare on Wednesdays.  This is a great resource for us, especially since the staff is familiar with the needs of N breeds.  We are able to discover some of Cash's likes/dislikes outside the home.  We have learned over the past few weeks, via the daycare staff, that Cash does not like obsessive/compulsive behavior in other dogs of either sex.  "Fence fighting" is especially upsetting for him.  He does best with balanced, medium energy dogs that do not try to hump him and that are not inclined to "boss" him around.  He loves chase games and wrestling and does well in the large kennels where he can take a nap with Miley.  

Cash is molting since the weather here in Idaho keeps changing between spring thaw and deep freeze.  He tolerates brushing for a while.  He is going to have a bath and blow-out this week, so reader we will let you know how that goes!  

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